1968 in Retrospect

G. Bhambra
1968 in Retrospect
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What is the meaning of 1968, a year which figures large in the social imaginary? This volume brings together leading social theorists as well as promising younger scholars to examine the phenomenon of '1968' from a number of innovative perspectives, including situating 1968 in global context. The first section includes chapters by leading scholars who were witness to the events, reflecting on untold narratives of race, gender and sexuality as well as weaving their own personal stories into the analysis. The second section critically addresses the standard theoretical concepts and assumptions of 1968. The final section examines 'other voices', examining the struggles of African students, immigrants in France, transgender peoples, and provides a critique of the notion of 'other voices'. The volume also explores if and when 1968 'ended'.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-230-22932-7, 9780230229327
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan

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