Atlas of Women in the World

J. Seager
Atlas of Women in the World
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To improve the state of women is to improve the state of the world. Global events continue to reveal the importance of understanding how women live across continents and cultures. Using maps and graphics in this new revision of her eye-opening book, Joni Seager uses up-to-the-minute research and data to show what shifts have occurred in the ten years since the first edition was published - the strides made by women and the distance still to be travelled.She explores the current status of women in relation to such key issues as: equality; government; IT literacy; feminism; women's health; motherhood; women at work; household trends; the global economy; domestic violence; refugees; lesbian rights; full colour maps and graphics, with new maps detailing women's role in rebuilding governments in Iraq and Afghanistan; and, the impacts on women's lives of their role as water haulers. An exploration of the status of women in a wide range of key issues shows what shifts have occurred in the last ten years.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-84407-608-6, 9781844076086
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Earthscan

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