Dirty Blood

Heather Hildenbrand
Dirty Blood
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I killed a girl last night. I did it with my bare hands and an old piece of pipe I found lying next to the dumpster. But that’s not the part that got me. The part that scared me, the part I can’t seem to wrap my head around and still has me reeling, was that when she charged me, her body shifted – and then she was a wolf. All snapping teeth and extended claws. But by the time I stood over her lifeless body, she was a girl again. That’s about the time I went into shock… And that was the moment he showed up. Now, all I can do is accept the truths that are staring me in the face. One, Werewolves do exist. And Two, I was born to kill them. (less)  
Data wydania: 2011-04-28
ISBN: 978-1-4610-6571-5, 9781461065715
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Accendo Press
Cykl: Dirty Blood, tom 1
Stron: 288
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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