Invention of Coinage & The Monetization of Ancient Greece

D. Schaps
Invention of Coinage & The Monetization of Ancient Greece
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The invention of coinage was a conceptual revolution, not a technological one. Only with the invention of Greek coinage does the concept 'money' clearly materialize in history. Coinage appeared at a moment when it fulfilled an essential need in Greek society and brought with it rationalization and social leveling in some respects, while simultaneously producing new illusions, paradoxes, and new elites. In a book that will encourage scholarly discussion for some time, David Schaps addresses a range of important coinage topics: money, exchange, and economic organization in the Near East and in Greece before the introduction of coinage; the invention of coinage and the reasons for its adoption; the monetization of the marketplace, politics, warfare, labor and agriculture; and the developing use of money to make more money.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-472-11333-0, 9780472113330
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Michigan Press

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