Researching the Socio-political Dimensions Of Mathematics

P. Valero
Researching the Socio-political Dimensions Of Mathematics
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This book examines mathematics education research from socio-political perspectives. It is organised in dialogic units which examine issues such as the critique of existing research results based on the adoption of socio-political approaches; the implications of alternative theoretical tools in researching mathematics education; the tensions emerging while conducting research in highly conflictive environments; the researchers' positioning with respect to research participants; and the adoption of socio-political methodological frameworks. As a whole, the book serves to illuminate what it means to say that power is a central constituent of mathematics education practices and research. Written for: Researchers in mathematics education and general education, graduate students taking courses on mathematics education research
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-4020-7906-1, 9781402079061
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Kluwer Academic Publishers

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