The Final Temptation

K.C. Lynn
The Final Temptation
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KAYLA~ He moved in next door to me, all bronzed skin and lean muscle, with a panty dropping smile that could make any girl weep with need. He set my body and teenage hormones on fire for three years. THREE LONG YEARS. In that time he became a cop- Officer Sexy as I liked to call him- and every time I pushed, he retreated. But I knew he felt it, I saw it in the way he looked at me. So one night I set my plan in motion and upped my game. I finally reeled the sexy bastard in, and he didn’t know what hit him. COOPER~ She tempted me with her smart mouth and tight body for three painful years. I took an oath to uphold the law and honor it, which she made almost impossible not to break. But when the day finally came, I made her pay, every beautiful inch of her. She might drive me crazy and be the biggest pain in the ass, but she’s my pain in the ass. And I’ll spend everyday for the rest of my life making sure she never forgets who she belongs to.  
Data wydania: 2015-04-02
ISBN: 1-5146-0292-X, 151460292X
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Men of Honor, tom 3
Stron: 156


K.C. Lynn K.C. Lynn Pod pseudonimem K. C. Lynn kryje się amerykańska pisarka Jennifer L. Armentrout. Tworzy przede wszystkim romanse i to takie, które niemal automatycznie stają się bestsellerami. W swoich powieściach porusza nierzadko tematy ważkie i niezwykle wręcz b...

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