The Third Angel

Alice Hoffman
The Third Angel
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This haunting, poignant and addictive story travels effortlessly across three generations and through time. Unravelling the years from the present to the 1950s, The Third Angel is a compelling novel, set mainly in London, about girls and women who make the wrong choices and have to live with the sometimes unbearable consequences. The Third Angel opens in London in the present day, when an envious sibling comes to her sister’s wedding. Their mother’s illness cast a shadow over their childhood, and both Madeline and Allie are still searching for something missing in their lives. Back in the Swinging Sixties, the bridegroom’s conventional English mother, Frieda, behaves in a wholly unconventional way, and the ghosts of that era still haunt all their lives and a Knightsbridge hotel. Even before that, the seeds of tragedy are sown in the Fifties, when twelve-year-old Lucy first visits London and the same hotel. Precocious, impatient, wise beyond her years, Lucy becomes a go-between for two star-crossed lovers and then holds herself agonisingly responsible for what happens…
Data wydania: 2009-04-02
ISBN: 978-0-09-952349-9, 9780099523499
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books
Stron: 288


Alice Hoffman Alice Hoffman
Urodzona 16 marca 1952 roku w USA (Nowy Jork)
Alice Hoffman – amerykańska pisarka. Wychowywała się na Long Island. Szkołę średnią ukończyła w 1969. Zapisała się na Adelphi University, gdzie otrzymała bakalaureat. Następnie dostała Mirrellees Fellowship do Creative Writing Center na Stanford ...

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Totalna Magia Zasady magii Trzeci anioł Gołębiarki Księga magii Król rzeki Muzeum osobliwości Córka przeznaczenia Druga natura Ice Queen Probable Future The Third Angel
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